AIV expert session about SDGs for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands

Activity: ConsultancySocietal


Participated (by invitation) and provided advise in a closed internal expert session of the 'Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken' (AIV), for the 'Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking', of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Upon request by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs the AIV has started an advisory trajectory about the SDGs. The central question is how the Netherlands can increase the contribution of different stakeholders (citizens, businesses, government itself) to achieve the SDGs.

Advised on based on results of the SDG Barometer:
- How is the Netherlands performing on the SDG-agenda? What can it learn from other countries in terms of SDG governance and what measures would be required to reach the SDGs, both domestically and internationally (i.e. spilllover-effects).
- What could the Netherlands do to increase engagement of society (citizens, firms, etc.) with the SDG-agenda?

The 'Commissie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking' prepares advice on the sustainable development goals, the role of governments, companies, financial institutions, knowledge institutes and NGOs in development cooperation, the promotion of economic development and the position of multilateral institutions.
Period6 Mar 2024
Work forMinisterie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Netherlands
Degree of RecognitionNational