HBO-ICT Project Enterprise Web Application

Activity: Educational contribution / Supervising student theses, products Supervising student products (other)Educational


Participated as a client in the Project Enterprise Web Application, with a design brief for five groups of students on Audio diary apps:

In this project, we center the senses of sound and vision to explore when, how, and where people feel they belong. The project is sparked by a longing for more diverse and nuanced insights about how cities (and other places) can work as spaces of belonging - not from the professional eyes of those who plan and design them but from the perspectives of those who live there. We develop and test participatory and sensory methods in co-creation with local organizations with consortia in two cities, each foregrounding one of the senses (sound/vision).

The overarching goal is to develop, experiment with, and curate more diverse tools for (future) researchers, designers, architects, and educators who want to include participatory and sensory methods in their professional practice. With these tools, we follow in the footsteps of data feminism by foregrounding and fostering embodied, sensory, and experiential ways of knowing in current (digital) research and design practices. Relatedly, the project strives to learn more about ways to understand the including and excluding experiences of places.
Period1 Sept 202115 Jan 2022