Effectiveness of the PLAYgrounds programme: on PA levels during recess in 6-year-old to 12-year-old children

Huub Toussaint

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    Background: The relative number of children meeting the minimal required dose of daily physical activity remainsexecrably low. It has been estimated that in 2015 one out of five children will be overweight. Therefore, low levelsof physical activity during early childhood may compromise the current and future health and well-being of thepopulation, and promoting physical activity in younger children is a major public health priority. This study is togain insight into effects of a Physical Education based playground program on the PA levels during recess inprimary school children aged 6-12.Methods/design: The effectiveness of the intervention program will be evaluated using a prospective controlledtrial design in which schools will be matched, with a follow-up of one school year. The research population willconsist of 6-12 year old primary school children. The intervention program will be aimed at improving physicalactivity levels and will consist of a multi-component alteration of the schools’ playground. In addition, playgroundusage will be increased through altered time management of recess times, as well as a modification of thePhysical Education content.Discussion: The effects of the intervention on physical activity levels during recess (primary outcome measure),overall daily physical activity and changes in physical fitness (secondary outcome measures) will be assessed.Results of this study could possibly lead to changes in the current playground system of primary schools andprovide structured health promotion for future public health
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-6
    Number of pages6
    JournalBMC Public Health
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2012


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