Extending media literacy: a new direction for libraries

Jelke Nijboer, Esther Hammelburg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this paper is to emphasise the importance for libraries to address the issue of media literacy in the internet age. The library must claim its key expert role in the field of literacy. The library can function as a platform and playground for consuming and producing media content.

Research has been carried out on theory, policy and practice in the field of media literacy. The paper provides an overview of ideas on new skills and competences that should be taught to make people media‐literate.

The paper shows that attention on the issue of media literacy is increasing. Academics and political institutions alike stress the importance of media literacy for participation in society and full citizenship. Libraries must claim their expert position in this field as various organisations outside the library have initiated projects and products on media literacy in recent years.

Practical implications
Library management should develop policies on media literacy and personnel should be trained in essential media literacy skills. Collaboration and knowledge sharing in media literacy between libraries and other organisations are essential.

The paper provides a brief overview of theory and policy on media literacy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36-45
JournalNew Library World
Issue number1/2
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2010


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