“First-generation student”: a helpful or stigmatising label in Dutch student life?

Lieve de Coninck

Research output: Web publication or non-textual formWeb publication or websiteSocietal


What happens when an etic category or label like “first-generation students” enters public discourse? In the Netherlands, public discussions of first-generation or first-in-family students and their predicaments have arisen in recent years. But few people grow up thinking of themselves in those terms. Not a common identity-marker, the concept is introduced in other moments, like in news items or in participatory research projects. But to what effect? And does it stigmatize or help?
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2023
EventSocial Inclusion through the lens of Anthropology & Art: AnthroArt exhibition - Stayokay Amsterdam Oost, Timorplein 21, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 7 Dec 202313 Jan 2024


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