Generating missions and spaces for adaptable play experiences

Joris Dormans, S.C.J. Bakkes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic

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This paper investigates strategies to generate levels for action-adventure games. For this genre, level design is more critical than for rule-driven genres such as simulation or rogue-like role-playing games, for which procedural level generation has been successful in the past. The approach outlined by this article distinguishes between missions and spaces as two separate structures that need to be generated in two individual steps. It discusses the merits of different types of generative grammars for each individual step in the process. Notably, the approach acknowledges that the online generation of levels needs to be tailored strictly to the actual experience of a player. Therefore, the approach incorporates techniques to establish and exploit player models in actual play.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE transactions of computational intelligence and aIl in game
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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