Gezond actief ouder worden: een groepsprogramma voor en door zelfstandige ouderen om actief aan gezondheid en kwaliteit van leven te werken

Translated title of the contribution: Healthy and active ageing: a group programme for and by independent older people to actively work on health and quality of life

Fenna van Nes, Anke Heijsman

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional

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The booklet describes the renewed Healthy Active Ageing programme, a neighbourhood-oriented health-promoting group programme for and by older people living independently at home. Participants in the programme exchange experiences and knowledge and actively explore topics they consider important, now and with a view to the future. The aim of the programme is to improve participants' perceived health and quality of life by strengthening resilience and increasing opportunities to do activities that have personal meaning.
Translated title of the contributionHealthy and active ageing: a group programme for and by independent older people to actively work on health and quality of life
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherHogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Vitality
Number of pages47
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022


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