Growing into politics? the development of adolescents’ views on democracy over time

Hessel Nieuwelink, Geert ten Dam, Femke Geijsel, Paul Dekker

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This study focuses on how views on democracy develop during adolescence. A total of 40 Dutch adolescents were interviewed in their second and fourth year of secondary education. The study shows that the interviewed adolescents do become more familiar with politics but do not develop more nuanced views towards democracy. As the adolescents age, a one-dimensional perspective on democracy becomes more apparent. In the interviewees’ perspective, democracy increasingly equals majority rule. Other aspects, such as minority interests and finding consensus, are increasingly neglected. This study, therefore, suggests that adolescents do not ‘naturally’ develop more complex views on democracy when they age.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)395-410
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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