Hyperloop for E-commerce: sustainable, on-demand and high-speed e-commerce fulfillment enabled by Cargoloop

Stan Caluwe, de, Jelte Altena, Walther Ploos van Amstel, Anna Dubrowska

Research output: Working paper/preprintWorking paperProfessional

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Hyperloop scale-up Hardt and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences explored how hyperloop cargo solutions (Cargoloop) can help sustainably and efficiently meet surging demand for e-commerce shipments. A new vision paper titled ‘Hyperloop for E-commerce – Sustainable, on-demand and high-speed e-commerce fulfillment enabled by Cargoloop’ was published, as a result of joined concept development and E-commerce industry consultation.

It concludes that hyperloop technology has “game-changing” potential as governments, retailers, and thought leaders seek sustainable freight solutions.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHardt Hyperloop
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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