Lessons learned from co-creating a personal wayfinding app with people with a visual impairment

Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Travelling independently in an urban environment is challenging for people with a visual impairment (PVI). Current Wayfinding-apps lack detailed environmental information and are often not fully accessible. With the aim to design a wayfinding solution that facilitates independent travel and incorporates PVI needs and wishes, we deployed a cocreation design approach with PVI and professionals as co-creators. Our combination of different co-creation techniques and iterative prototyping expands the related research on wayfinding solutions and allowed us to zoom-in on specific features. Our approach started with a userrequirements analysis through selfexperience sessions, observations and focus groups. This was followed by iterative prototyping with user evaluations in controlled indoor and outdoor environments. Over a period of two years we created an accessible wayfinding solution in co-creation with 31 PVI and 19 professionals. This resulted in an optimized accessible interface, a personalized route, personalized wayfinding instructions and detailed orientation and environmental information. Lessons learned for co- design with PVI included setting up an accessible workshop environment, applying diverse evaluation methods and involving reoccurring participants.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020.
EditorsKirsty Christer, Claire Craig, Paul Chamberlain
Place of PublicationSheffield
ISBN (Electronic)9781838111700
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventDesign4Health 2020: Designing Future Health: The future is now! - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Jul 20203 Jul 2020


ConferenceDesign4Health 2020
Abbreviated titleD4H
Internet address


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