Lessons Learnt - A cross-case analysis of six, real-time Smart Charging and V2X Operational Pilots in the North Sea Region

Robert Van den Hoed, Jorden Van der Hoogt, Bronia Jablonska, Esther Van Bergen, Ramesh Prateek Raju Arumugam, Ghanim Putrus, Richard Kotter, Ridoy Das, Yue Wang

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The SEEV4-City project, funded by the EU Interreg NSR Programme, aims to demonstrate electric mobility solutions, integrate renewable energy and encourage uptake in cities. Six Operational Pilots in four countries implement different levels of Smart Charging and V2X technology. The variation and complexity of the different OPs provide a number of valuable Lessons Learnt. Through a questionnaire and interviews, OP inputs and experiences were documented, and analysed. Key conclusions: V2X setups need to be tailor-made by unifying existing, yet not readily compatible components; it pays to know the V2X market; and there is no single, generic, universally-applicable V2X business model.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2019
Event32nd Electric Vehicle Symposium - Lyon, France
Duration: 19 May 201922 May 2019


Conference32nd Electric Vehicle Symposium
Abbreviated titleEVS32


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