Lotus of fantoom? Realiteitsbeleving bij simulatieonderwijs in acute zorg

Translated title of the contribution: Lotus or manikin?: How realistic are simulations in emergency medicine training?

J.B.N. de Best, R Brendel, C de With

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


Background: Standardised patients and/or manikins are used for training and assessment of paramedics in the Netherlands. Standardised patients are actors, trained to portray certain symptoms and syndromes. Advanced computer-controlled manikins can display varying parameters, depending on the treatment received.

Aim: To investigate any difference between the use of a manikin only or a manikin Regular with a standardised patient for training and assessment with regard to how realistic the simulation is as perceived by participants.

Method: During a five-week period all paramedics taking part in a yearly assessment, consisting of the same patient case (n=25) were randomly allocated to group 1 (manikin only) or group 2 (standardised patient and manikin). The participants completed a questionnaire in which they indicated how realistic they thought the simulation had been. The assessors completed a questionnaire concerning observable aspects of how realistic the participants had perceived the simulation to be.

Results: An independent t-test revealed a significant difference between the total scores of the participants in group 1 (manikin) (M=3.10; SD=.691) and group 2 (SP and manikin) (M=3.96; SD=.804); t(23)=-2.852, p=.009. The assessors’ total group scores also differed significantly (Mann-Whitney-U-test: Z=- 2,484; p=.013).

Discussion and conclusion: The use of a combination of a simulated patient and a manikin seems to be preferable to that of a manikin only. Participants perceived the combination as more realistic. Because of the small sample of this study, further research will be undertaken among a larger sample. (Brendel RJAM, De Best JBN, De With CM. How realistic are simulations in emergency medicine training? Dutch Journal of Medical Education 2007;26(3):111-117.)
Translated title of the contributionLotus or manikin?: How realistic are simulations in emergency medicine training?
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)85-89
Number of pages5
JournalTijdschrift voor medisch onderwijs
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2007
Externally publishedYes


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