Overview of the Netherlands AI, Media and Democracy Lab

Valentin robu, Simone Ooms, Abdallah El Ali, Pablo César, Davide Ceolin, Laura Hollink, Eric Pauwels, Han La Poutre, Nanda Piersma

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This extended abstract introduces the work of the Netherlands AI Media and Democracy lab, especially focusing on the research performed from an AI/computer science perspective at CWI, the Netherlands National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam. We first provide an overview of the general aims and set-up of the lab, and then focuses in on the research areas of the 3 research groups at CWI, outlining there are of research and expected research contributions in the areas between AI and media & democracy


ConferenceThe 2nd International Workshop on Democracy and AI (DemocrAI 2023), held at IJCAI 2023, the 32nd International Joint Conference on AI in Macao, China.
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