Person-Centred Pain Measurement in the ICU: A Multicentre Clinimetric Comparison Study of Pain Behaviour Observation Scales in Critically Ill Adult Patients with Burns

A E E de Jong, Wim Tuinebreijer, Helma Hofland, N.E.E. Van Loey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Pain in critically ill adults with burns should be assessed using structured pain behavioural
observation measures. This study tested the clinimetric qualities and usability of the behaviour pain scale (BPS) and the critical-care pain observation tool (CPOT) in this population. This prospective observational cohort study included 132 nurses who rated pain behaviour in 75 patients. The majority of nurses indicated that BPS and CPOT reflect background and procedural pain-specific features (63–72 and 87–80%, respectively). All BPS and CPOT items loaded on one latent variable (≥0.70), except for compliance ventilator and vocalisation for CPOT (0.69 and 0.64, respectively). Internal consistency also met the criterion of ≥0.70 in ventilated and non-ventilated patients for both scales, except for non-ventilated patients observed by BPS (0.67). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of total scores were sufficient (≥0.70), but decreased when patients had facial burns. In general, the scales were fast to administer and easy to understand. Cut-off scores for BPS and CPOT were 4 and 1,
respectively. In conclusion, both scales seem valid, reliable, and useful for the measurement of acute pain in ICU patients with burns, including patients with facial burns. Cut-off scores associated with BPS and CPOT for the burn population allow professionals to connect total scores to person-centred treatment protocols.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)187–197
JournalEuropean Burn Journal
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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