Problematizing opportunity pursuit multidimensional embeddedness of international entrepreneurship

Julie E. Ferguson, San Tea, Heidi Dahles, Ingrid Wakkee, Christine Moser , Marja Spierenburg

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractAcademic


International business scholars are increasingly calling for more awareness of the local context in which international entrepreneurs pursue business opportunities. In this paper, we respond to this call, arguing that an entrepreneur’s business network engenders self-sustaining dynamics that bear upon the entrepreneurial opportunity itself. We conclude that the dynamics that we observe can be interpreted as ‘multidimensional embeddedness’. Through a qualitative inquiry, we study how a Korean entrepreneur seeking to establish an agri-business venture in Cambodia embeds himself in the local business environment as a means to create an opportunity structure. We analyze how the international business venture initially thrived but ultimately failed, attributing these outcomes to the entrepreneur’s multidimensional embeddedness in the wider business environment. In so doing, we contribute a critical perspective to entrepreneurship research, widening the prevailing individualistic focus on entrepreneurship by engaging with the societal context within which an opportunity structure develops. We also extend international business studies by explaining how the opportunity structure underlying international ventures impacts upon opportunity pursuit, beyond the entrepreneur’s control.
Original languageEnglish
Article number12802
JournalAcademy of Management Proceedings
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2017


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