Progress towards 4DHC in different national and regional contexts

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Lessons learned on the progress towards 4th generation district heating (4DHC) are presented from 6 pilot implementation projects in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands (HeatNet project). The pilots have implemented the infrastructure for district heating from various (waste) heat and renewable sources to reduce CO2 emissions. With the development of long term road maps, progress is made towards the role out of 4DHC in the regions. The pilots have a different level of experience with district heating and transnational learning is specifically addressed. Purpose of the evaluation of the pilots is to give local authorities insight into barriers and solutions and the way they are closely linked to stakeholders in their geographical, political
and cultural context in NWE. To do this, the financial, regulatory and organisational barriers the pilots face and possible solutions that were shared between the pilots are analysed in the context of system innovation. Differences in national and regional contexts have been analysed to be able to generalise solutions to a level they can be used in a different context. We will confront the pilot’s development with best and worst practice from literature and score Key Success Factors.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2019
Event5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems - Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 10 Sept 201911 Sept 2019


Conference5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems
Internet address


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