Ready for handwriting? writing readiness intervention tool in context : WRITIC-Group intervention

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Background: Practicing handwriting is important for learning reading and spelling. The Writing Readiness Inventory Tool In Context (WRITIC) is an occupation-based assessment that enables early identification of kindergarten children at risk for developing handwriting difficulties. For children with non-handwriting readiness based on the WRITIC we developed a classroom group program with emphasis on engagement and motivation to practice paper-and-pencil tasks and improve handwriting readiness.
Objective: We performed a proof of concept study to evaluate effectiveness and feasibility of the classroom group program.
Methods: A within-group comparison design was used. Twenty-four children, 5-6 years old (score below the 15th percentile on WRITIC), participated. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test evaluated the difference in scores on the WRITIC before and after the classroom group program. Feasibility was tested by interviewing.
Results: A significant difference was found on the WRITIC assessment (Z=-4,3; p<0,001). The classroom group program was feasible in the existing educational program.
Conclusions: This proof of concept study shows that the classroom group program is effective and feasible within kindergarten education. This program contributes to the handwriting readiness of kindergarten children and provides them a good start for learning handwritings skills important for their further school career and self-esteem.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2021
EventENOTHE-COTEC Online Congress 2021 - Praag - Czech Republic - online
Duration: 15 Sept 202118 Sept 2021


ConferenceENOTHE-COTEC Online Congress 2021


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