Synergy between Research and Teaching at Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences: An analysis of strategic documents

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Universities of Applied Sciences (UASs) have been transforming into hybrid organisations since the addition of research as a second core task next to teaching. Combining two different core processes in one organisation is a costly and logistically challenging endeavour. Therefore, to be sustainable as a hybrid organisation, UASs have to aim for synergy between research and teaching. This research investigates the intended synergy between research and teaching of six Dutch UASs by analysing their strategic documents. The findings show 35 varieties of synergy, divided over 6 themes: students, graduates, education, research, professional practice and institution. The results provide an overview of possible synergies between research and teaching UASs could aim for.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 3 May 2020
EventEAIR 42th Annual Forum 2020: Sustaining the Future of Higher Education - University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Duration: 20 Aug 202022 Aug 2020


ConferenceEAIR 42th Annual Forum 2020
Abbreviated titleEAIR2020
Internet address


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