Testing frame of reference knowledge in national examinations: report on an experiment in the Netherlands

Arie Wilschut

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional

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During the nineteen nineties, national debates about ‘new history teaching’ in the Netherlands – like in many other western countries – led to political pressure demanding more ‘factual knowledge’. The commission which was given the task of developing a new national curriculum, however, did not produce the required list of names and dates of important historical events and personalities, but put forward the idea of ‘frame of reference knowledge’ which could support historical orientation in time. Testing frame of reference knowledge meant a completely new paradigm for the national examinations. The article reports about a pilot project with this new type of examination.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationJoined-up history
Subtitle of host publicationnew directions in history education research
EditorsArthur Chapman, Arie Wilschut
Place of PublicationCharlotte, NC
PublisherInformation Age Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameInternational Review of History Education


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