The teacher, teacher careers and teacher education: conditions for a career long dedication and passion

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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Career opportunities play an important role in keeping teachers passionate and motivated in their profession. As such opportunities contribute to growth, challenge, variation and recognition, they can both attract high quality candidates to the profession and keep talented teacher in the profession for a longer time. However, the traditional view on the teacher profession can be considered as static with little career opportunities. This raises the questions: how teacher careers can be understood, and what the implications for such a more dynamic understanding are for education systems, school heads, teachers and for teacher education.
Taking into account this questions, six international reports on teacher careers that aim to support national systems to strengthen career opportunities for teachers are explored in this chapter. These reports from the European Commission’s Working Groups on Schools, the Commissions data network Eurydice, OECD and UNESCO, all emphasize the importance of strengthening career opportunities for teachers, but vary in their focus, as most report focus on formal career structures that are embedded in national legislation, while the EC’s Working Group Schools report from 2020 takes a somewhat wider perspective, taking the perspective of teacher more as a starting point in identifying career options.
From the reports the implications for teachers, school heads and teacher education can be derived, including the need for a wider and more dynamic view on the profession, leading to a wider professional identity, the need for the development of career competences for teachers and the need for initial teacher education institutes to actively support teachers not only during their initial development, but throughout the different stages of their career.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationQuality in teaching and teacher education
Subtitle of host publicationInternational perspectives from a changing world
EditorsJoanna Madalinska-Michalak
Place of PublicationLeiden
PublisherBrill Publishers
ISBN (Electronic)9789004536609
ISBN (Print)9789004536593, 9789004536586
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2022

Publication series

NameKey issues in teacher education: Policy, research and practice
PublisherBrill Publishers


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