The use and methodology of scenario making

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In een themanummer van de European Journal of Teacher Eucation rond lerarenopleidingen en scenario writing, onder redactie van Marco Snoek, gaat Marco in het eerste hoofdstuk in op de methodiek van scenario writing en de mogelijkheden die dit biedt voor het onderwijs. ‘Forward-thinking strategies are hardly developed in education. Scenarios are powerful tools to create new perspectives on the future of (teacher) education, stimulating reflection, creativity and imagination. Scenarios can be helpful both for deciding on institutional or (inter)national policies on teacher education and for facilitating individual learning processes of teacher educators and organisational learning processes. From this point of view scenarios are not a goal in themselves, but by-products of a learning process. A methodology is presented for the development of scenarios, as used by the ATEE-RDC19
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-19
JournalEuropean Journal of Teacher Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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