Vreemdetalenonderwijs in het (v)mbo): Beroepsgericht talen leren

Translated title of the contribution: Foreign language instruction in (pre-)vocational education: Occupation-oriented language learning

Eline van Batenburg, Liesbeth Pennewaard

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterEducational

Translated title of the contributionForeign language instruction in (pre-)vocational education: Occupation-oriented language learning
Original languageDutch
Title of host publicationHandboek vreemdetalendidactiek
Subtitle of host publicationvertrekpunten, vaardigheden, vakinhoud
EditorsSebastiaan Dönszelmann, Catherina van Beuningen, Anna Kaal, Rick de Graaff
Place of PublicationBussum
PublisherUitgeverij Coutinho
ISBN (Print)9789046907641
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020

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